本文就 1990年~ 1999年在解放军总医院 (12 4例 )和云南省第一人民医院 (10例 )确诊资料完整的系统性硬化症 (SSc) 134例进行回顾性分析如下。1 临床资料1 1 SSc的诊断标准 :采用MASI诊断标准 :患者具有手指和掌指关节或跖趾关节以下皮肤的对称性增厚 ,绷紧和硬化
This paper retrospectively analyzed 134 cases of complete systemic sclerosis (SSc) diagnosed in People’s Liberation Army General Hospital (124 cases) and Yunnan First People’s Hospital (10 cases) from 1990 to 1999. 1 clinical data 1 1 SSc diagnostic criteria: the use of MASI diagnostic criteria: the patient has the fingers and metacarpophalangeal joints or metatarsophalangeal joints below the symmetry of the skin thickening, tightening and hardening