统计和概率,特别是概率问题是新课标背景下的新内容,对同学们来说是一个新鲜事物。笔者翻阅了大量的2005年实验区的中考试卷,发现这类试题往往以同学们熟悉的游戏为素材,题材新颖,贴近生活。现归类加以分析,供同学们参考。一、掷骰子游戏例1 (2005年浙江省)一个均匀的立方体六个面上分别标有数1,2,3,4,5,6。下图是这个立方体表面的展开图,抛掷这
Statistics and probability, especially probability problems, are new content in the context of the new curriculum and are a new thing for classmates. The author reviewed a large number of examination papers in the experimental area in 2005 and found that such questions are often based on games that students are familiar with. The subjects are novel and close to life. Now classed and analyzed for reference by students. One, dice game example 1 (Zhejiang, China, 2005) A uniform cube is marked with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 on six sides. The following figure is a development of the surface of this cube, throw this