新年伊始,由北京市东城区钓协与海淀区钓协共同主办的第11届“鲸世海杯”冰钓比赛,于元月3日在北京昌平小寨渔场举行。来自两区钓协的80多名冰钓爱好者冒着严寒参加了这一年一度的传统冰钓友谊活动。 本届比赛仍采用传统冰钓规则,双方钓友各自抽号,按号结伴,自选钓位,凡以最快速度钓满16尾鱼的两名钓手即获第一名。经过两个多小时紧张而欢快的角逐,东城区李连顺和海淀区华新荣获冠军。
At the beginning of the new year, the 11th Whale World Cup Ice Fishing Competition co-sponsored by the Dongcheng District Fishing Association and the Haidian District Fishing Association was held on January 3 at the Xiaozhai Fishing Ground in Changping, Beijing. More than 80 ice-fishing amateurs from the two regions fishing associations participated in the annual traditional ice-fishing friendship activity in the cold. This competition still adopts the traditional rules of ice fishing. Both fishermen and fishermen draw their own numbers and join the number by their own choice. The two fishing tackles who fished 16 fish at the fastest speed won the first prize. After more than two hours of intense and happy competition, Dongcheng District, Li Lianshun and Haidian District, Huaxin Rong won the championship.