(一) 3月23日下午,太阳好不容易才躲进云层里一会儿,40来岁的岩山正忙着拾掇自家房前的菜园。他先给那片长势喜人的葱苗除去杂草,又松动了覆盖在刚种下不久的生姜上面的草垫……人到中年的岩山头一回伺弄蔬菜,显得有点笨拙却又十分用心。 这里是西盟佤族自治
(A) On the afternoon of March 23, the sun was not able to hide in the clouds for a while. The 40-year-old rock was busy picking up the vegetable garden in front of his house. He first gave the piece of growing green onion to remove the weeds and loosened the straw covering the freshly planted ginger ... It was awkward but very clumsy Intentions. Here is the Western Union Wa autonomous