Evaluation of Loss of Degraded Farmland Ecosystem Services in Tibet, China

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kahn419
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Four environmemtal service functions of wheat, barley and rape ecosystem are evaluated in material production, air adjustment (including carbon dioxide fixation and oxygen release in Tibetan Autonomous Region), water conservation, and nutrient recycling. Based on it the economic loss of environment due to desertification is valued. The results show that the service functions of farmland ecosystem in Tibet are totally valued at 4 436. 2 × 106 yuan, the value of each service function is ordered as: air adjustment 2 070.2× 106 yuan (46.67%), material production 2 011. 1× 106 yuan (45.33%), nutrient recycling 193. 1×106 yuan (4.35%), and water conservation 161. 8×106 yuan (3.65%). The total area of wheat, barley and rape in Tibet is over 189 700 ha, and the service function of farmland ecosystem is valued at 23 386 yuan/ha per year. The degraded area of arable land in Tibet is about 1 082 ha per year, equivalent to the annual loss of farmland ecosystem service value of 25.3×106 yuan. Over the past 30 years the total loss of the value is 1 347.0×106 yuan. Four environmemtal service functions of wheat, barley and rape ecosystem are evaluated in material production, air adjustment (including carbon dioxide fixation and oxygen release in Tibetan Autonomous Region), water conservation, and nutrient recycling. Based on it the economic loss of environment due to The results show that the service functions of farmland ecosystem in Tibet are totally valued at 4 436. 2 × 106 yuan, the value of each service function is ordered as: air adjustment 2 070.2 × 106 yuan (46.67%), material production 2 011. 1 × 106 yuan (45.33%), nutrient recycling 193. 1 × 106 yuan (4.35%), and water conservation 161. 8 × 106 yuan (3.65%). The total area of ​​wheat, barley and rape in Tibet is over 189 700 ha, and the service function of farmland ecosystem is valued at 23 386 yuan / ha per year. The degraded area of ​​arable land in Tibet is about 1 082 ha per year, equivalent to the annual loss of farmland ecosystem service value of 25.3 × 106 yuan. Over the past 30 years the total loss of the value is 1 347.0 × 106 yuan.
2013年3月20日 晴  又是“儿童散学归来早,忙趁东风放纸鸢”的季节了,我提着一个漂亮的大蝴蝶来到我们去年放风筝的草坪上,却久久没有见到你。  没有你的季节,蝴蝶不飞,满心都是失落。  去年的风筝时节,一个微风轻吹的傍晚,夕阳柔柔地照耀着大地。我闷闷地走出书屋,来到这块大草坪上,认识了你,你不厌其烦地教我放风筝,给我讲技巧,真的让我很感动。  于是,我每日傍晚都等你放学归来,一起在草坪上放风筝
右下图是个迷宫,要先从左上侧入口进去、从右下侧出口出来,且只允许穿过带黑点的路,你能找出符合要求的路径吗?然后再折返回来,而这次只可从带灰点的路返回到入口处,又该是怎样的走法?  巧思贴士:开始,你要找出那条能完全避免碰上灰点的路。虽然沿迷宫下方的那条路刚开始看起来很对路,但它却会引领你一再碰上灰点。
2013年1月14日 晴  十五岁开始脱去幼稚的思想  唇边绒绒的胡子告诉我  自己长大了  要看看外面世界的模样  十五岁是一支朝气蓬勃的歌  有高昂也有低落  在失败面前别忘记抬起头  爬起来继续拼搏  十五岁想飞出乡村  去经历风雨  十五岁要充满自信  时时为自己鼓掌为自己唱歌  十五岁也有淡淡的忧伤  但为了心中不泯灭的梦想  再苦再累也要遗忘  因为人生的路很长很长  安徽省临泉县牛庄
近日,美国专利商标局(U S P T O)在其官方网站发布《2015财年绩效和责任报告》,对2015财年的工作进行总结。笔者对其中的部分内容进行了摘译,以帮助国内业界及申请人了解美国
2013年3月19日 晴  不知不觉中,我已走到了2012年的边际。  眼前是一片纯净的白色世界,雪从天而降,带来新一年的惊喜期盼,飘飘洒洒,无边无际,覆盖了道路,覆盖了城市。  在玻璃一般的冬季里,单调的色彩,已经没有什么稀奇。突兀的青松,“银装素裹,分外妖娆”。这一切都告诉我:2012年即将结束,新的一年就要开始了。  回眸,2012,看见一年的精彩时光。2012,对我来说,是不寻常的一年。