第 2 8届国际宝石学会议于 2 0 0 1年 1 0月 5—1 2日在西班牙马德里召开 ,会议由西班牙宝石研究所 (InstituoGemologicoEspanol)主办 ,西班牙王后担任会议的名誉主席 ,西班牙宝石研究所Sapa lskiCristina女士为会议的执行秘书。与会
The 28th International Gemological Society Conference was held in Madrid, Spain from January 5 to January 2, 2001. The conference was hosted by Instituo MiologicoEspanol and the Queen of Spain was honorary chairman of the conference. The Gemological Institute of Spain Ms. Sapa lski Cristina as executive secretary of the meeting. Participate