来源 :International Journal of Sediment Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w18asp
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Due to the extensive gullying from historically excessive erosion in the loess plateau of China, much of this region is being converted to native grass and shrub vegetation. Tunnel scour and mass wasting are important gully erosion processes resulting from preferential flow through macropores ( pores > 1 mm diameter). The objective of this study is to assess the changes with time in macropore flow characteristics of soils on the Loess Plateau following conversion to grass vegetation and the associated degree of mass wasting of gully faces. Ridge areas that had been revegetated for 1 year, 6 years, and > 15 years following tilling, and for 6 years following contour-ditching and the adjacent gully faces were characterized for their macropore and soil matrix properties on a 50 cm by 50 cm area. The total number of macropores increased from 11.6/m2 to 39.6/m2 from 1 to 6 years and to 51.6/m2 after 15 years of revegetation following tillage. The macroporosity increased from 0.0008 m3/m3 to 0.0018 m3/m3 from 1 to 6 years of revegetation following tillage but the lowest macroporosity (0.0005 m3/m3) was 6 years of revegetation following contour-ditching. The contour-ditched area had the lowest infiltration rate (95 m/d) through the soil matrix (areas without macropores) with the tilled areas having similar infiltration rates regardless of the number of years of revegetation (averaged 146 m/d). Due to tunnel scour erosion of macropores during infiltration into the area revegetated for 1 year, pore diameters enlarged by more than 200% resulting in this condition having the highest individual macropore infiltration rates (7967 m/d). Macropores in all other areas were stable with no tunnel scour erosion of macropores. The total capacity for infiltration through macropores increased significantly with time following revegetation. The number of macropores on the gully faces was triple (92.8/m2) and the macroporosity quadruple (0.004 m3/m3) that of the ridge surfaces. The upper gully faces exhibited 1.1 slumps m-1 for a total soil loss of 48622 kg per ha. Due to the extensive gullying from historically excessive erosion in the loess plateau of China, much of this region is being converted to native grass and shrub vegetation. Tunnel scour and mass wasting are important gully erosion processes resulting from preferential flow through macropores (pores> 1 mm diameter). The objective of this study is to assess the changes with time in macropore flow characteristics of soils on the Loess Plateau following conversion to grass vegetation and the associated degree of mass wasting of gully faces. Ridge areas that had been revegetated for 1 year, 6 years, and> 15 years following tilling, and for 6 years following contour-ditching and the adjacent gully faces were characterized for their macropore and soil matrix properties on a 50 cm by 50 cm area. The total number of macropores increased from 11.6 / m2 to 39.6 / m2 from 1 to 6 years and to 51.6 / m2 after 15 years of revegetation following tillage. The macroporosity increased from 0.0008 m3 / m3 to 0.0018 m3 / m3 from 1 to 6 years of revegetation following tillage but the lowest macroporosity (0.0005 m3 / m3) was 6 years of revegetation following contour-ditching. The contour-ditched area had the lowest infiltration rate (95 m / d) through the soil matrix (areas without macropores) with the tilled areas with similar infiltration rates regardless of the number of years of revegetation (averaged 146 m / d). Due to tunnel scour erosion of macropores during infiltration into the area revegetated for 1 year, pore The enlarged capacity with more than 200% resulting in this condition having the highest individual macropore infiltration rates (7967 m / d). Macropores in all other areas were stable with no tunnel scour erosion of macropores. The total capacity for infiltration through macropores increased significantly with time the revegetation. The number of macropores on the gully faces was triple (92.8 / m2) and the macroporosity quadruple (0.004 m3 / m3) that of the ridge surfaces. The upper gully faces exhibited 1.1 slumps m-1 for a total soil loss of 48622 kg per ha.
编者按:高考作文跑题,只考上了专科学校的北极村女孩儿迟子建,靠着自我的悟性和积累,一步步成为具有极高辨识度的极地女作家。这篇文章也许会让同样热爱文学的你更加相信:相信自己,你也可以获得良好的文学训练,甚至达到专业作家的水准。  我生来是个丑小鸭,因为生于冰天雪地的北极村,因此不惧寒冷。小时候喜欢犟嘴,挨过母亲的打。挨打时,咬紧牙关不哭,以示坚强。气得母亲骂我:“让你学刘胡兰哪?”  我幼时淘气,爱
滩暖闲白鹭,  风晴怒嫩梅。  春随归雁近,  舫入早湖晖。  诗之源头  那一年春节过后,武汉每天都是细雨连绵,阴阴冷冷。难得周日一大早出了太阳,母亲也难得放我一上午假,吃完早饭就去东湖边转转。  冬天还没完全过去,柳树也还没有发芽,但早风已经不那么冷了。一大早的湖边没太多人,绿道上只碰到几个归去的晨练者。湖边的浅滩,几只白鹭在懒懒地晒着太阳。空气中隐隐闻得到梅香。是啊,雨下得太久了,好不容易出
我国著名特级教师斯霞老师说:“研究识字教学,探究既减轻学生负担又提高质量的更科学,更艺术,更符合儿童接受能力的识字教学途径,实在很有必要。”面对众多的教改经验和异 M