
来源 :语言研究集刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abeey2009
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语体学研究必须区分语体的描写研究和话语的语体分析。在对这两个概念界定的基础上就其相互关系作了探讨,指出两者既有密切的关系,因为语体的描写研究是建立在对话语的语体分析的基础之上的,而由于其各自的研究目的和内容并不相同,彼此又不能混淆。对两者自身涵义及其相互关系认识上的讹误和混淆,以及由此造成的在有关语体性质、研究目的、构成要素的确定、类型划分、交叉渗透等问题认识上的偏颇和讹误作了深入的分析,在此基础上对区分的重要性作了论述和强调。 The study of stylistics must distinguish the study of the description of the style and the style analysis of the discourse. Based on the definition of these two concepts, this paper discusses the relationship between the two concepts and points out that the two are closely related, because the study of the description of the style is based on the style analysis of the discourse, Their respective research purposes and content are not the same, each other can not be confused. Corruption and confusion about their own meanings and their mutual relations, as well as the resulting biases and corrurations in understanding the nature of the genre, the purpose of the research, the determination of the constituent elements, the classification of the type, the cross-penetration, etc. In-depth analysis, on the basis of the importance of the distinction made the discussion and emphasized.
Background: We aimed to establish the prevalence of interatrial septal openings(IASOs) in newborns, to define their natural course during the first year of life
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阅读感悟,是对语言的一种感受领悟。心理研究告诉我们:这种能力的培养与发展,除了语文学习中本身的听说读写外,往往离不开想象这一智力因素。这正如爱因斯坦所说,“想象力比知识更重要”,因为它“是知识的源泉” 。有这样一个源泉,并凭借其巨大的心理力量,无疑能促进学生与文本沟通,与作者心灵相融,对深化阅读感悟、构建有效阅读有着重要的意义。  一、用情境想象激感悟兴趣   感悟需要兴趣参与。而兴趣的引发与情境
One novel complex [Ni(phen)3]·(C8H12O4)·(H2O)14 with hexane dicarboxylic acid and 1,10-phenanthroline has been hydrothermally synthesized and characterized.Cr
1.黑斑病4月中旬开始发病,雨季发病严重。叶片受害后开始在叶尖发黄变褐,逐渐蔓延至全株;有的叶片出现青色、白色水渍状斑点,严重时麦冬成片枯死。防治方法 (1)选用健壮无病
45 isomers of TinNm(n + m=5=6) clusters=including linear=some planar and some stero configurations=have been predicted by density functional theory method.For f
在山东省莱阳的温室大棚中发现,番茄叶霉病病菌Passalora fulva的霉层上发生一种重寄生真菌,导致番茄叶霉病菌的橄榄绿色霉层被一种白色真菌菌丝体覆盖最终导致番茄叶霉的完