Character brief introduction Zhang Xumu, famous chemist, entrepreneur, director of the Department of Chemistry, Southern University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University Cheung Kong Scholar lecturer, director of the Institute of Green Catalysis, Pennsylvania State University professor, Rutgers - New Jersey State University tenured professor, Ph.D. Tutor. He graduated from the Department of Chemistry of Wuhan University in 1982 with a bachelor’s degree. In 1992, he graduated from the Department of Chemistry at Stanford University and received a doctorate degree. From 1992 to 1994 at the Stanford University Department of Chemistry postdoctoral research. He was an assistant professor at Pennsylvania State University from 1994 to 1999, an associate professor at Pennsylvania State University from 1999 to 2003, and a professor at Pennsylvania State University from September 2003 to the present. Has published more than 90 articles, 42 patents and patent applications, has been invited more than 200 times in international conferences to do the report. And is the founder and chief technology officer of Kerry Biochemical Co., Ltd. in the United States.