我省今年第一季度劳动争议上升 劳动者胜诉的多

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今年第一季度,全省各级劳动争议仲裁委员会共立案受理劳动争议1357件,涉及劳动者3678人,分别比去年同期上升53%和72%。在立案受理的劳动争议案件中,追索劳动报酬、保险福利的案件占61%,这类案件主要是由于企业无故拖欠、克扣职工工资或医疗费、经济补偿金、生活补助费和退休金以及长期欠缴社会保险金等问题而引起的。从案件处理结果看,劳动者胜诉的占处结案件总数的54%,企业胜诉的仅占15%,双方部分胜诉部分败诉的占31%。究其原因,一是随着《劳动法》的贯彻实施,劳动合同制全面推行,劳动者和用人单位的权利义务明确,双方依法维护自身合法权益的法律意识增强,原来隐性化的劳动争议显性化。二是由于用人单位和劳动者的履约意识还较差,视劳动合同为一纸空文,用人单位 In the first quarter of this year, the labor dispute arbitration commissions at all levels across the province handled 1,357 labor disputes and handled 3,678 laborers, up 53% and 72% respectively over the same period of last year. In labor dispute cases accepted for filing, 61% of the cases of recourse to labor remuneration and insurance benefits accounted for 61% of the total. Such cases were mainly due to unwarranted delinquencies of enterprises, deductions of wages and medical expenses, financial compensation, subsistence allowances and pensions, and Long-term payment of social insurance and other issues caused. Judging from the handling of the case, laborers accounted for 54% of the total number of successful cases, only 15% of successful cases of enterprises, and 31% of successful cases of partial success of both parties. The reason is that with the implementation of the Labor Law, the full implementation of the labor contract system, the rights and obligations of laborers and employers are clear, the legal awareness that both parties legally safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law is enhanced, and the original implicit labor dispute Explicit. Second, due to the employer and the worker’s performance awareness is still poor, depending on the labor contract is a dead letter, the employer
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