共筑渡运安全防线 构建平安和谐社会——致广东省各地市市长的一封信

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尊敬的xx市长:您好!感谢您在百忙之中阅读此信。广东是海洋大省、航运大省,同时也是渡运大省。广东拥有大陆海岸线3368.1公里,大小河流2000余条,沿海岛屿759个(面积500平米以上)。全省共有渡口847道,渡船1208艘,渡工2157人,年渡运量8600万人次,汽车390万辆次(截至2013年底)。渡运作为公路运输的延伸,是地区经济交流、文化交融、百姓出行的重要方式。渡运安全事关人民群众切身利益,事关改革发展稳定大局,事关党 Mayor Dear xx, Thank you for reading this letter on your busy schedule. Guangdong is a big maritime province and a big shipping province. It is also a major ferry transport province. Guangdong has 3368.1 km of mainland coastline, more than 2000 rivers and streams, 759 coastal islands (area of ​​500 square meters and above). The province has a total of 847 ferries, ferries 1208, ferry workers 2157, annual ferry traffic 86 million passengers, car 3.9 million times (as of the end of 2013). As an extension of road transport, ferry transport is an important way for regional economic exchanges, cultural exchanges and people’s travel. The security of the people involved in crossing the border is a matter of the utmost interest of the people and the general concern for the overall interests of reform, development and stability