DARDON BM系列是美国BRIGHT公司最新推出的单进单出智能型UPS,分为BM3750、BM6250、BM10K和BM15K,成为中小型机房电源系统的首选机型,在金融、保险、邮电、航空、电力、铁路、税务、高校等部门得以广泛应用。DARDON BM系列功能特点: 1、采用稳定可靠的输入、输出隔离变压器技术,电力经过AC—AC—DC—AC—AC双逆变过程,完全消除输入对输出的不良影响,同时逆变器与负载隔离,缓冲
DARDON BM series is the latest single-in and single-out intelligent UPS introduced by BRIGHT in the United States. It is divided into BM3750, BM6250, BM10K and BM15K. It has become the first choice model of power supply system for small and medium sized computer labs. It is widely used in finance, insurance, postal and telecommunications, Railways, taxation, universities and other departments to be widely used. DARDON BM series features: 1, the use of stable and reliable input and output isolation transformer technology, power through the AC-AC-DC-AC-AC dual inverter process, the complete elimination of the input on the output of the adverse effects, while the inverter and the load Isolation, buffering