Plant Regeneration from Immature Inflorescence Culture and Genetic Transformation of Wheatgrass(Agro

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iqwanifir
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The plants of hybrid wheatgrass (A. cristatum × A. desertorum cv. Hycrest-Mengnong) were directly induced from embryogenic callus regenerated from immature inflorescence. Immature inflorescence was cultured on improved MS medium containing 2.0-3.0 mg L-1 2,4-D to regenerate callus. The calli were then transferred to hormone-free MS medium for differentiation and 1/2 MS medium for rooting. Results showed that callus initiation frequency was 83.4% and plant regeneration frequency was 59.6%. Phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (bar) gene was transformed into the hybrid wheatgrass by particle bombardment. Resistant callus was obtained using selecting agent, herbicide glufosinate of 0.5 mg L-1, and some transgenic plants were recovered in vitro. The transgenic plants were identified by PCR and Southern blot analysis and these plants developed normally in the glufosinate medium, whereas the nontransgenic plants did not. The results demonstrated that bar cDNA integrated into the genomic DNA of the transgenic plants. The transgenic frequencies of bar gene were 1.1%. The plants of hybrid wheatgrass (A. cristatum × A. desertorum cv. Hycrest-Mengnong) were directly induced from embryogenic callus regenerated from immature inflorescence. Immature inflorescence was cultured on improved MS medium containing 2.0-3.0 mg L-1 2,4- The calli were then transferred to hormone-free MS medium for differentiation and ½ MS medium for rooting. Results showed that callus initiation frequency was 83.4% and plant regeneration frequency was 59.6%. Phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (bar) gene was transformed into the hybrid wheatgrass by particle bombardment. Resistant callus was obtained using selecting agents, herbicide glufosinate of 0.5 mg L-1, and some transgenic plants were recovered in vitro. The transgenic plants were identified by PCR and Southern blot analysis and these plants developed normally in the glufosinate medium, whereas the nontransgenic plants did not. The results said that bar cDNA integrated into the genomic DNA o f the transgenic plants. The biological frequencies of bar gene were 1.1%.
Management Game(MG)是由美国卡耐基·梅隆大学在1957年开发的一个全球性的模拟经营训练课程。该课程借助计算机和网络技术,通过国际上多所大学的参与,共同构建了一个模拟的全球化多国市场竞争环境。该环境通常由5名学员组成一个管理团队,共同经营管理一个虚拟的跨国公司。每个公司均经营两种腕表,即价格敏感性腕表和质量敏感性腕表。所有公司的产品均在以下六个国家中销售:日本、墨西哥、中国、英国、
【摘要】本文主要对房地产的基建项目做了简单的介绍,旨在强调基建项目的建设的重要性。工程造价的控制与管理作为基建项目的重要内容,其造价的控制是否合理,管理工作是否规范,对基础项目的建设水平、工程的质量以及最后的投资效益,都起着重要的影响。因此,抓好房地产基建项目的工程造价控制与管理的工作,具有非常重要的意义。  【关键词】基建 工程 控制 管理  1、前言  基建项目即基础设施的建设项目[1]。房地
摘要:成本控制是成本管理的重要环节,也是企业全方位管理的最基本环节,其最终结果是给企业带来一定的成本效益。文章就建筑企业在工程招投标中的成本控制进行阐述,分析了工程招投标中的成本控制方法。  关键词:工程招投标 价格机制 成本控制 财务决策    随着建筑市场的日趋成熟,建筑企业在工程项目上的竞争愈加的激烈,项目的利润空间越来越低。这就要求各建筑企业加强成本管理,在成本价格一定的情况下,开源节流,
摘要:本文結合工程实例,对某高层建筑结构转换层施工中采用的高支撑模板体系、大体积混凝土浇筑等施工技术进行了总结。  关键词:转换层大体积施工  1工程概况  某工程地下室2层,地上32层,建筑面积117000m2。四层以下是钢筋混凝土框架结构,五层是结构转换层,五层以上为全剪力墙结构。该转换层是梁板式结构转换层。转换层层高为5.5m,楼板厚度为200mm,转换梁的截面主要有:800×2000~19
摘要:建筑工程项目前期投资成本的管理水平直接决定着项目的经济效益,因而加强建筑工程项目前期投资成本的控制是实现项目效益最大化的基本保障。本文就建筑工程项目前期投资成本的控制过程中的几个阶段进行详细的分析评价。  关键词:建筑工程项目前期投资成本管理评价  建筑工程项目前期投资成本的控制过程贯穿于建筑工程项目的规划决策阶段、建筑工程设计阶段、建筑工程招标文件与合同的编制、建筑工程施工阶段、分包、材料