1.三叉神经痛: 三叉神经痛是不太常见,却不容易治疗的疾病。一般对于体质较好的病人用葛根汤加苍术治疗,也可用葛根汤加五苓散的流浸片治疗。对于属虚证的大部分病人常用桂姜草枣辛附汤,其主证为:身寒欠温、头痛、流清涕、脉微弱。还可用麻黄附子细辛汤和桂枝汤的流浸片,但须增加附子用量,一般炮附子末用量应在3克以上。如伴有颈部和肩部强痛的用葛根加术附汤,也可用葛根汤加桂枝术附加附汤,或用葛根汤和五苓散加炮附子末的流浸片。
1. Trigeminal neuralgia: Trigeminal neuralgia is a less common disease that is not easily treated. Generally, patients with better constitutions are treated with Gegen Tonga Cangzhuo, and they can also be treated with a dripping tablet of Gegen Tongjia Wuju San. For the majority of patients with deficiency syndrome, it is commonly used in ginger ginger grass date Xinfu soup, the main card is: cold, warm, headache, flow clear, weak veins. The flow dip tablets of Mahuang Fuzi Asarum Decoction and Guizhi Decoction can also be used, but the amount of aconite should be increased. Generally, the amount of aconite should be more than 3 grams. If accompanied by a strong pain in the neck and shoulders with Pueraria plus soup, you can also use Gegen Tonga Guizhi additional attached soup, or use Pueraria soup and Wuyi Powder plus aconite at the end of the flow of leaching tablets.