The Man Who Seek His Moon

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  【Abstract】The Moon and Sixpence is a book created by William Somerset Maugham and based on the famous French impressionism Paul Gauguin’s legendary life. The protagonist (Charles Strickland) in the book is a stock broker, one day he abandoned his superior job and left his perfect family to pursue a far ideal of painting. This paper aims to discuss Strickland’s complex characters and image features and analyze them.
  【Key words】The Moon and Sixpence; humanity; contrast; Freud; ideal
  【关键词】《月亮和六便士》 人性 对比分析 弗洛伊德 理想
  1. Introduction
  1.1 The background of the research
  The Moon and Sixpence express the condition between the social reality and the pursuit of humanity freedom. The core in the book is not only the conflict between reality and ideal but also the internal exploration and complexity of human nature.
  The moon and sixpence (1919) is a famous novel after the semi-autobiographical novel Of Human Bondage (1915) of Maugham.
  1.2 The purpose and significance of the study
  The creative motif of The Moon and Sixpence is human nature, revealing the complexity, evil and strange of human nature, at the same time longing for a kind of the otherworldly self-improvement in personality.
  2.1 The creation background of The Moon and Sixpence
  2.1.1 The social background
  During The Industrial Revolution, Many small town became cities, the growing population and flow of goods contributed to the birth of the railway, which in turn accelerate the process of urbanization. Age of peace provide the necessary objective conditions to the vigorous development of Victorian literature.
  The characters of the novel are ordinary civilians, the background of the novel is setting in real places.
  2.1.2 William Somerset Maugham
  William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) was born in the British Embassy in Paris on 25th January, 1874. Maugham had taken a happy child life. But when he was eight his mother died in tuberculosis and two years. Maugham was sent to his uncle. “He had developed a bad stammer which made him painfully self-conscious” (Selena Hastings, 2015). He used these experiences to write his first novel Liza of Lambeth (1897).
  The book’s popularity contributed Maugham to abandon medicine and become a full-time writer. Maugham’s best-known novel Of Human Bondage (1915) was published during the war. But this book had not succeeded since his another famous work The Moon and Sixpence (1919) met public.   2.2 The brief introduction of The Moon and Sixpence
  Strickland, a British typical broker with solid career and status and a happy family. But he abruptly abandoned all of he possessed to pursue his art ideal.
  Strickland finally left the civilized world to a isolated island Tahiti, a place where he found the atmosphere suitable for his soul and art and created countless masterpieces that would shocked the later generations.
  3. Theoretical Basis
  3.1 Freud’s theory of personality structure
  Freud’s theory of personality (2011) consists of the “levels of consciousness, the nature of human beings and the source of human motivation, the structure of personality and the development of personality.”
  3.2 The reflection to Charles Strickland of Freud’s theory
  3.2.1 Ego first
  The ego is called the executive branch of personality because it uses reasoning to make decisions. It must meet the needs of the Id and considers the reality of the situation as well.
  Strickland lives in his way and suppresses the desire, so in this stage he is the ego complying with the reality principle.
  3.2.2 Id second
  In Freud’s (2011) view, the Id is totally unconscious, it has no contact with reality. Controlled by id, Strickland’s instinct desire is urgently need to be released and satisfied. The id in Strickland’s personality structure is playing a role when he is in Paris.
  3.2.3 Superego last
  The superego represents society’s restrictions and produces guilt and an ego ideal. Think of the Superego as what we often refer to as our “conscience”. The superego aims for perfection.
  4. Research Methodology
  4.1 Comparative analysis approach
  Comparative analysis approach, also named contrast method is a syntactic construction that serves to express a comparison between two (or more) things or groups of things. A major artistic technique used in drama commonly. There are three general contrasts:character comparison, scene comparison, detail comparison.
  4.2 Research route
  4.2.1 The objects of comparison
  In the Moon and sixpence, there is another painter who is absolutely different from the protagonist. Dirk Stroeve, His paintings are favored by art dealer. Charles Strickland is a dull typical broker before leaving his family. When the desire of painting can’t be depressed, he decisively abandons his family.
  4.2.2 The comparison on the artistic talent
【摘要】高中英语教学要注重对学生学习方式的养成,促进学生自主学习意识与能力的生成,加强对高中生英语探究性学习与能力的培养。扭转传统的英语教学观念,英语教师要变“教”为“导”,以“学”带“讲”,进而使得高中生能够在新的教学模式下发现自己的不足,进而尝试着去分析问题和解决问题,继而促使高中生综合能力的全面发展。  【关键词】高中生;英语学习;探究能力;培养策略  【作者简介】沈海素,女,汉族,福建省漳
【摘要】在英语阅读教学中,教师应通过多方整合,加强阅读方法的指导,结合教材内容,将“绘本”创作与英语阅读教学的优质整合,以“绘本”故事为桥梁,丰富学生阅读资源,培养学生阅读素养,提高学生阅读技巧,通过创编“绘本”故事,拓展学生阅读领域,提升学生综合素养。  【关键词】 绘本故事;阅读兴趣;阅读技巧;阅读资源  【作者简介】张海珊,广东省中山市东凤镇永益小学。  阅读是收集处理信息、获得知识与技能,
【摘要】本文综述翻转课堂模式的理论以及应用研究,总结在大学英语课堂实施翻转课堂教学模式的应用现状,发现并分析其中的问题,并展望翻转课堂教学模式的未来,希翼为大学英语翻转课堂教学模式的合理性与有效性提供借鉴。  【关键词】 翻转课堂;大学英语;教学模式  【作者简介】左盈,成都大学外国语学院。  【基金项目】本文系成都学院(成都大学)2017年第四批 “翻转课堂”课程改革项目(项目编号:CDFZ20
【摘要】当前阶段全国教育改革不断深入发展,项目教学法的出现得到了更多人的关注与研究,针对这种新型的教育改革方法,本文从项目教学法的实质出发介绍了其大体的实施步骤,对项目教学法在高职英语教学中的应用进行了探讨,提出了相应的应用对策,希望在这一教学方法的应用之下促进高职英语教学水平与质量的不断提升。  【关键词】项目教学法;高职英语;教学改革  【作者简介】杨婷婷,胡琳,湖北城市建设职业技术学院。  
【摘要】近年来为培养学生的英语应用能力,许多高职院校根据各专业对英语需求程度的不同,为各专业量身定制了不同的公共英语课程体系。本文提出了如何从学生整个大学阶段的角度来评价学生的英语能力发展水平,增强各门课程之间的有机联系,提高整个评价体系的系统性、整体性和持续性。  【关键词】英语应用能力 公共英语 课程体系  我院酒店管理专业为例,开设了英语语音、基础英语I和II、英语听说I和II三门课程。从学
【摘要】翻译包括理解和表达这两个环节,而理解是第一步,正确理解原文是翻译的先决条件。民航文本作为科技文的一种,存在科技文本的共性特点,也存在其独特性,尤其体现在专业性和技术性。正确理解在民航文本翻译中十分重要。本文中笔者将举例说明理解的重要性。  【关键词】理解;民航;翻译  【作者简介】陈姝元(1994- ),女,汉族,吉林人,研究生,中国民航大学,民航英语翻译。  引言  翻译是一种再创造,翻
【摘要】本文主要以思维导图在初中英语语法预习作业中的应用为重点进行阐述,结合初中英语语法的知识点为主要依据,从思维导图在初中语法时态预习中的应用、思维导图在初中语法反身代词预习中的应用、思维导图在初中语法句子结构预习中的应用这几方面进行深入探索与研究,其目的在于提高思维导图在初中英语语法预习作业中的应用效率,从而提升学生的英语成绩。  【关键词】思维导图;初中英语;英语语法;预习作业  【作者简介
【摘要】许多高中生都认为英语学科是一个耗时多,见效慢的学科,那么如何能使英语学习变得简单,变得高效呢?我认为首先所做的事就是引导学生摈弃那些坏的学习习惯和培养良好的学习英语的习惯。好的习惯能使英语学习变得简单,变得高效。  【关键词】英语;学习习惯;培养  【作者简介】矫春芳,佳木斯市桦川县第一中学。  众所周知,小小的习惯很多时候会影响一个人的成就乃至一生,生活如此,学习亦如此,对于语言的学习来
【摘要】英语阅读是语言技能的重要组成部分,也是语言输入的主要途径之一。想要学好英语,阅读起着至关重要的作用,但是目前低效的英语阅读教学现状仍然困扰着无数英语教师和学生。为了快速有效地掌握语言信息,阅读技巧的运用和准确的理解能力是必不可少的。如何指导学生在有限的时间内更有效地阅读呢?在本文中筆者将结合课堂教学实例,谈谈英语阅读课的有效教学。  【关键词】英语阅读 有效性 课堂 活动  一、教学内容