18 91年在伦敦举行的第 1届世界举重锦标赛至今 ,竞技举重已有 10 0多年的历史。 10 0多年来竞技举重在世界范围的影响日益扩大 ,运动水平不断提高 ,现代科技的应用更加广泛。对世界举重的发展特点及其趋势进行研究 ,对于我们了解现状 ,把握未来 ,促进举重运动发展具有重要意义
Since the 91st World Weightlifting Championships in London in 1991, competition has gained more than 100 years of history. In the past decades, the influence of competitive weight lifting in the world has been expanding. The level of sports has been continuously improved. The application of modern science and technology has become more widespread. Studying the developing characteristics and trends of weightlifting in the world is of great significance for us to understand the status quo, grasp the future and promote the development of weightlifting.