Hemodynamic instability plays a major role in the pathogenesis of systemic inflammation,tissue hypoxia,and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome associated with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP).Aggressive fluid replacement is one of the key interventions for the hemodynamic support in severe acute pancreatitis.1Although the need for fluid resuscitation in severe pancreatitis is well established,the goals and components of this treatment are still a matter of debate.We used resuscitation strategies according to early goaldirected therapy (EGDT);we measured the effects of these volume resuscitation on clinical outcomes such as organ function and mortality.Because frozen plasma is cheaper and more easily acquired than albumin for patients,we hypothesized that fluid resuscitation with frozen plasma according to EGDT would be associated with reduced incidence of organ failure and mortality as compared with individuals resuscitated with normal crystalloid and plasma substitute volume resuscitation.