以前我在《经过六千年的开采,世界金矿资源已经采完了吗?》(1967)和《世界金矿资源》(1976)这两篇文章中都强调了前寒武系金矿床的产量在世界黄金产量中占有很大比例。现在我要强调“非元古界砾岩型”的前寒武系金矿。 历史 据C.H.V.苏泽兰德所著《金》中记载,在哥伦布发现新大陆(1492年)以前的5500年人类历史中,采出的金不到10亿盎斯。可是,在那以后的487年中却开采了将近30亿盎斯。在这30多亿盎斯黄金产量中,前寒武系金矿床所产的金占一半以上。其中12.7
In the past, I emphasized the production of the Precambrian gold deposits in the following articles: “After 6,000 years of mining, have the world’s gold resources been collected?” (1967) and “World Gold Resources” (1976) A large proportion of the world’s gold output. Now I want to emphasize the “non-Proterozoic conglomerate type” Precambrian gold mine. History According to “Gold” by C.H.V. Sozland, less than 1 billion ounces of gold were recovered from the human history of 5500 years before Columbus discovered the New World (1492). However, nearly three billion ounces were mined in the 487 years since then. Of the more than 3 billion ounces of gold produced, the Precambrian gold deposits account for more than half of the gold. 12.7 of them