昌马水库位于甘肃玉门市境内,是一座砂砾料坝壳壤土心墙坝,坝高54.8m,坝长366m。坝基砼防渗墙位于坝轴线,长141.3m,宽80cm,设计标号C_(10)。按照设计要求,砼防渗墙顶部必须凿除1.5m 后方可接高人工防渗墙。决定采用北京琉璃河水泥厂生产的高静态无声破碎剂(HSCA—Ⅱ)。具体施工方法如下:钻孔先在凿除段的底部打一排水平孔,孔径(?)38,孔距40cm。然后在防渗墙顶部距边线30cm 钻孔两排,梅花形布置。孔径(?)38,孔深120~130cm,孔排距为20cm×40cm。拌药按药剂重量比为36%~40%的净水倒入
Changma Reservoir is located in the territory of Yumen City, Gansu Province, is a gravel material dam earth loess wall dam, dam height 54.8m, dam length 366m. Dam foundation concrete cutoff wall located in the dam axis, length 141.3m, width 80cm, design code C_ (10). According to the design requirements, the top of concrete cutoff wall must be excavated except for 1.5m before the high artificial cutoff wall. Decided to use Beijing Liulihe cement plant production of high static silent crusher (HSCA-Ⅱ). Specific construction methods are as follows: Drilling at the bottom of the chisel section hit a row of horizontal holes, aperture (?) 38, hole spacing 40cm. Then at the top of the cut-off wall from the edge of the line 30cm drilling two rows, plum-shaped layout. Aperture (?) 38, hole depth of 120 ~ 130cm, hole row spacing of 20cm × 40cm. Mixing drugs by the pharmaceutical weight ratio of 36% to 40% of the water poured into