1997年遵化市农业高科技园区开始引进栽培以色列彩色大椒 ,获成功。由于效益良好 ,特别是红(黄)熟果色泽鲜艳、口感好 ,所以深受广大客户(高级宾馆、饭店)欢迎和赞誉。彩色大椒属喜温类蔬菜 ,根系浅 ,分布范围20~30 (厘米) ,生育期长达10~12个月 ,植株高
In 1997, Zunhua Agricultural Hi-tech Park started to introduce and cultivate Israeli colored pepper and succeeded. Due to good benefits, especially red (yellow) cooked bright color, good taste, so by the majority of customers (high-level hotels, restaurants) welcome and praise. Color Pepper is a kind of warm vegetables, shallow roots, the distribution of 20 to 30 (cm), the growth period of up to 10 to 12 months, plant height