量子纠错码在量子通信和量子计算中起着非常重要的作用,近几年在量子通信和量子计算中由于量子相位翻转的错误概率大于量子比特翻转的错误概率,导致量子相位翻转的错误对量子计算的影响要高于量子比特翻转错误对它的影响,因此有必要在非对称信道上构造非对称量子纠错码去保护量子通信和量子计算.笔者用经典的Reed-Solomon码构造一批非对称的量子纠错码,并利用有限域的扩域到其子域的迹映射,得到了更多的非对称量子纠错码.“,”Quantum error-correcting codes in quantum communication and quantum computing plays a very important role.In receatly,as the probability of the quantum phase flip error is higher than that of the quantum bit flip error in quantum communication and quantum computing,the impact of quantum phase flip error to quantume computing is higher than that of the quantum bit flip error.So,asymmetric quantum error-correcting codes is need to be constructed on asymmetrical channel to protect quantum commumciation and quantum computing.In this paper,a number of asymetric quantum error-correcting codes are consturcted by the classical the Reed-Solomon codes,and more asymmetric quantum error-correcting codes are got by using the extension fields of finited field to trace map of sub-field.