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×××党委:2011年1月××日凌晨×时左右,我处发生一起车辆事故,致×人受伤、×车严重受损。这起事故发生在新一年年度工作全面展开之际、“加强党性修养、锤炼思想作风”教育整顿期间,性质严重,教训惨痛,影响恶劣。不仅牵涉了×××党委领导机关的精力,损害了单位形象,而且给受害者及其家庭带来极大的身心伤害。充分暴露出我处作 ××× Party Committee: In the early morning of ×× ×× day in January 2011, a car accident occurred in Xichang County causing injuries to people × car severely damaged. The accident took place in full swing in the new year. During the period of education and rectification to strengthen party spirit and refine ideological style, the nature of the accident was rather tragic and the impact was poor. It not only involved the energy of the leading organs of Party committees of ×××, undermined the image of the units, but also brought great physical and psychological harm to the victims and their families. I fully exposed the work
一句话教你战胜对学习的恐惧——骗你的。  怎么可能呢?一句话就让你爱上学习什么的,真以为在看电影啊,说一句“ All is well”就真的万事顺遂——虽然《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的确是部好电影。  然而现实就是现实,现实就是你不能只用一句话去面对高考。  好了言归正传,我知道你们不喜欢学习,我知道你们觉得学习是天下最可恶的事,我知道你们一想到学习就头皮发麻四肢抽搐。好吧,我是来拯救你们的——不骗你。