Advance in Melastoma dodecandrum Lour. Researches

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cumt12791
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[Objective]To review the biological property,chemical constituents and their content determination methods,edible value,medicinal value,landscape application and reproduction system of Melastoma dodecandrum Lour. [Method] M. dodecandrum researches are reviewed based on relevant studies and field investigation. [Result]M. dodecandrum,born in acid and neutral soils and resistant to drought and barren,is a kind of perennial straggly or creeping sub-shrub herb that is fond of high-temperature humid climate and that could grow well in full sunlight or half cloudy areas. Its stem outline is similar to circle,and its medulla is large. The pollen is subprolate in shape and covered with net-rodlike ornamenta- tion on the surface. Seeds are shallow rice yellow or yellow in colour,nephroid,triangle or arch in shape,relatively full and pucker-free. In addition to various metal elements such as Na,K,Mg,Ca,Pe,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,Mn,Cd and Pb,M. dodecandrum contains some chemical constituents of acidoid,steroidal triterpenes,saponins,flavonoids,lactones,alkaloids,amino acids,peptides,sugar and polysaccharides. Furthermore,gallic acid could be served as the quality control index because of its high content and determined by RP-HPLC. Total phenols could be separated by HPD100 resin. M. dodecandrum has high medicinal,edible and landscape application values,and it could be reproduced through seeds,cuttings and tissue culture. [Conclusion]The study provides references for further developing and utilizing M. dodecandrum resources. [Objective] To review the biological property, chemical constituents and their content determination methods, edible value, medicinal value, landscape application and reproduction system of Melastoma dodecandrum Lour. [Method] M. dodecandrum researches are reviewed based on relevant studies and field investigation. [Result] M. dodecandrum, born in acid and neutral soils and resistant to drought and barren, is a kind of perennial straggly or creeping sub-shrub herb that is fond of high-temperature humid climate and that could grow well in full sunlight or The stem outline is similar to circle, and its medulla is large. The pollen is subprolate in shape and covered with net-rodlike ornamenta- tion on the surface. Seeds are shallow rice yellow or yellow in color, nephroid, triangle In addition to various metal elements such as Na, K, Mg, Ca, Pe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cd and Pb, M. dodecandrum contains some chemical constituents of acidoid, ster gallic acid could be served as the quality control index because of its high content and determined by RP-HPLC. Total phenols could be separated by HPD100 resin. M. dodecandrum has high medicinal, edible and landscape application values, and it could be reproduced through seeds, cuttings and tissue culture. [Conclusion] The study provides references for further developing and utilizing M. dodecandrum resources.
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