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西方古典著作是指以希腊文、拉丁文为载体的古代文献,计有诗、散文体史著、戏剧以及修辞学与哲学论著等,时间断限上起公元前8世纪,下迄公元7世纪,①历经不同历史时期、不同文化的传承接递以及文艺复兴时代的“复兴”,②业已成为现代西方文明的宝贵遗产,对现存典籍的整理与校勘 Western classical works refer to the ancient documents supported by Greek and Latin languages, counting poems, prose history, drama, rhetoric and philosophical works, etc. The time limit is from the eighth century BC to the seventh century AD ① After different historical periods, the inheritance and transfer of different cultures and the Renaissance “Renaissance” ② has become a valuable legacy of modern Western civilization, collation and collation of existing books