Patient, male, 50 years old, worker. The main complaint of repeated episodes of pre-cardiac discomfort, chest tightness, burning-like and acupuncture-like pain for 20 days, in October 16, 1991 admission. Physical examination: T36 ℃, P60 beats / min, breathing 18 beats / min, Bp13.3 / 9.skPa, normal development, weight loss, poor spirits. Head and neck no abnormalities. Heart does not expand, the heart rate 64 beats / min, law Qi, the valve auscultation area without noise, A_2 = P_2. A little lung in the rales. I no abnormalities. ECG showed sinus rhythm, P wave apex, QRS wave group normal morphology, ST and T wave were normal, blood gas, blood glucose, blood lipids were normal. After the hospital in the security