2 014年,我们报道了华裔定制摩托车设计师Samuel Kao在美国自创定制车厂牌JSK Moto。作为JSK Moto的主理人,身处洛杉矶的华裔Samuel Kao本是帕萨迪纳艺术设计学院的高材生,主攻汽车工业造型设计,由于个人对于摩托车的偏爱,遂萌生了以设计制造订制摩托车为生的梦想。数年以来,他连续斩获美国加州地区乃至全美多项定制车奖项,为美国定制车界吹来一股华裔新风。近日,享誉美国西海岸的华裔定制厂牌
In 2014, we reported that Samuel Kao, a Chinese-style custom motorcycle designer, started JSK Moto, a custom-made car label in the United States. Samuel Kao, a Los Angeles-based Chinese native of JSK Moto, is a top student at Pasadena College of Art and Design with a focus on automotive styling. Due to her preference for motorcycles, Samuel Kao started to design and manufacture customized motorcycles The dream of a car. Over the past few years, he has consecutively won numerous custom car awards in the United States, California and even throughout the United States, blowing a fresh Chinese race for the custom car industry in the United States. Recently, the Chinese-made custom-made brands that are well-known in the west coast of the United States