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武钢股份公司为了扩大公司产品的市场份额,优化产品结构,逐步实现关键产品的升级换代,提高市场竞争力和对国际国内市场的应变能力,公司拟投资37.8亿元建设第二硅钢厂(含第一硅钢扩建工程)。 公司有关方面称,2001年7月,国家经贸委组织全国有关专家审查武汉钢铁(集团)公司“十五”钢铁发展规划时,提出武钢要发展冷轧硅钢,建议把武钢股份建设为国内最大冷轧硅钢片生产基地。公 In order to expand the market share of its products, optimize its product structure, gradually upgrade its key products, enhance its market competitiveness and its ability to respond to international and domestic markets, WISCO intends to invest 3.78 billion yuan to build a second silicon steel plant A silicon steel expansion project). Relevant parties said that in July 2001, when the State Economic and Trade Commission organized the relevant experts across the country to review the “10th Five-year” plan of steel development of Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Company, it proposed that WISCO should develop cold-rolled silicon steel and propose to build WISCO into the largest domestic cold Rolling silicon steel production base. public
星期天,我跟爸爸去买鱼头,发现买鱼头还有学问呢!  那天,天气晴朗,我和爸爸步入了菜市场。菜市场的人可真不少,脚步声、叫卖声、讲价声……此起彼伏,别有一番情趣。  我和爸爸来到一处鱼摊前,准备买爸爸喜欢吃的鱼头。爸爸走上前问鱼摊老板:“这鱼头怎么卖呀?”“大的7元一斤,小的5元一斤。”爸爸知道我和妈妈不怎么喜欢吃鱼头,买两个大的怕吃不完,就说:“买一个大的一个小的吧。”鱼摊老板应该是太忙的缘故吧,