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  Recently, it has snowed in Maria’s town. In the last week, it has snowed three times. Maria has always loved the snow. She has played in the snow many times before.
  Maria’s dog, Sparky, has never played in the snow. This is Sparky’s first snow. He has not felt the cold yet.
  Maria has just received a new sled for Christmas. She puts on her warm clothes and snow boots. She pulls the sled up the hill. Sparky has run outside with Maria. Sparky has followed Maria up the hill. He feels good!
  Maria has finally reached the top. She sits on her sled. She rides down the hill. Sparky runs beside the sled. They have finally reached the bottom. Sparky has followed Maria all the way down the hill. Sparky has decided that he likes the snow too!
  A. 用现在完成时回答下列问题:
  1. For how many years have Roger and Melinda owned their sailboat?
  2. On which oceans have Roger and Melinda sailed? On which oceans have they not sailed?
  3. Where have Roger and Melinda sailed in the last year?
  B. 用否定/肯定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句以及反义疑问句改写下列句子:
  1. Roger and Melinda have owned their sailboat for 10 years.
  2. They have never sailed on the Arctic Ocean or Indian Ocean.
  2. 表示过去已经开始并持续到现在的动作或状态,往往和表示一段时间的状语连用。
  3. 表示从过去某一时间到说话时这段时间中反复发生的动作。
刘秀是汉室宗亲,不过到他这一辈,身上流淌着皇家血脉的人已如过江之鲫,多得数不清了。像他这种身份的人,《汉书》里记载:“汉元至今,十有余万人。”所以他年轻时,就是乡里一个普通的老实孩子,爱看书,还喜欢种地,谁也看不出他有什么大出息。  刘秀的奋发,得益于一次经历。那一年,他到京城求学,正好碰见执金吾出行,执金吾大概相当于现在的京城卫戍区司令,“车骑甚盛”,那场面是相当的大。据《后汉书·百官志四·执金
There lived a twin brother called Sam and Tom! They were twins who looked the same, even their mother found it too hard to tell them from each other during the first month of birth. However, they were
参与人数:10人一组。  时间:5—10分钟。  道具:无。  场地:空地。  目的:1.培养团队的协调能力和合作精神;  2.培养大家的集体创作意识和联想能力。  1.将全体成员分成10人一组。  2.组织者给大家下达口令。首先每组全体成员应该鼎力合作,通过人体组合搭建出一条小甲壳虫模样来。这条“虫子”必须有四条腿在地上,所有的人必须连为一体组成这一条“虫子”。宣布开始后,看看哪一组完成得最快。
1. At what age do children start school in England?(几岁上学)  The statutory school age in England and Wales is from 5 to 16 years.  English children enter the reception class (first grade) of primary sch
The night is colored with dark blue and the stars are hiding behind the soft orange cotton as they are playing the hide-and-seek with the beautiful white snow — the Moon.  夜晚笼罩在一片深蓝色中,星星躲在像柔软的橙色棉花似的云团
1. A lawyer would make a better statesman than a soldier.(律师比军人更易成为政治家)  A lawyer would make a better statesman than soldier.(律师更易成为政治家而不是战士)  2. He is a child of ten. He is a father of ten. (十岁的男孩/十岁
导读:生活中,有很多人因为顾及别人的眼光而不敢表现真实自我,其实,只要鼓起勇气勇于表达,就能收获那个独一无二的自己。  “If your number one goal is to make sure that everyone likes and approves of you, then you risk sacrificing your uniqueness, and, therefore,
最难的考试    期末考试成绩出来后,我大吃一惊,我的选修课《中国佛教与传统文化》竟然考了0分。我很不服气,于是去找教这门课的刘老师。  来到教师办公区,经过多方打听,我终于找到了刘老师的办公室。   我问:“刘老师在吗?”   一个身材魁梧、脑门发亮的中年男子回答道:“在啊,我就是。”   我迷糊了:这个刘老师和我印象中的刘老师不是同一个人。   我笑笑说:“不好意思,您是教《中国佛教与传统文化
There were many talented young students at the World Inter School Rope Skipping Championships held in Dubai in November 2015. However, none was as surprising as 11-year-old Cen Xiaolin, who skipped 10
导读:忘记该忘记的,铭记该铭记的。学会忘记与铭记不仅是生活的态度,也是一种生活的智慧。  Forget about the days when it’s been cloudy,  but don’t forget your hours in the sun.  Forget about the times you’ve been defeated,  but don’t forget the v