近一二年来,科学家们发现的高温陶瓷超导材料的应用领域,是一块尚未开垦的丰腴的处女地。 某些物质在足够低的温度下,通以低的直流电流,其电阻为零的现象,叫做超导。超导现象是荷兰科学家昂内斯1911年发现的。超导应用主要是利用了零电阻现象、完全抗磁性及弱连接超导体的一些效应。迄今,超导技术的应用堪称凤毛麟角。超导量子干涉仪和核磁共振成象仪已经应用;超导磁悬浮列车已开始近距离运行;超导磁流体发电机已问世,但尚未投入
In the past year or two, the field of application of high-temperature ceramic superconducting materials discovered by scientists is a virgin land that has not yet been cultivated. Some substances at low enough temperatures, through a low DC current, the resistance of zero phenomenon, called superconductivity. Superconductivity was discovered by the Dutch scientist Leonnes in 1911. Superconducting applications mainly take advantage of the phenomenon of zero resistance, complete diamagnetic and some effects of weakly connected superconductors. So far, the application of superconducting technology can be called very rare. Superconducting quantum interferometers and NMR imagers have been used; superconducting magnetic levitation trains have started to run close distances; superconducting magnetic fluid generators have come out but have not yet been put into use