近年来我们用青蒿琥酯治疗脑型疟8例,疗效较好,报道如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料:8例均为男性,年龄12—58岁,农民6例,学生和解放军各1例。均为无疟疾病免疫力的外来人口和当地下坝生产人员。 1.2 临床表现:8例均有畏寒、寒战、发热、头疼、恶心、呕吐、神志不清,抽搐、昏迷和脑膜刺激征。3例有皮肤巩膜黄染、肝脾肿大和黑尿。化验:8例均为pf.R(+),中、重度贫血和肝功能异常,5例肾功能异常,3例尿潜血(++++)。脑脊液检查:颜色
In recent years, we use artesunate treatment of cerebral malaria in 8 cases, the effect is better, reported as follows. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General information: 8 cases were men, aged 12-58 years old, 6 peasants, students and the People’s Liberation Army in 1 case. All are non-malaria-resistant migrants and local sub-dam production workers. 1.2 Clinical manifestations: 8 cases were chills, chills, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, convulsions, coma and meningeal irritation. 3 cases of skin scleral yellow dye, hepatosplenomegaly and black urine. Laboratory tests: 8 cases were pf.R (+), moderate and severe anemia and liver dysfunction, 5 cases of renal dysfunction, urinary occult blood in 3 cases (++++). Cerebrospinal fluid examination: color