1982年建校卅周年之际,曾对我校白血病研究室卅年来的研究工作,作了简要的总结。本文回顾近五年来白血病及其他血液病的研究工作。一、实验研究(一) 细胞培养的研究近5~6年来,骨髓细胞的体外半固体琼脂培养方法已普遍开展,用以观察白血病、再障及骨髓增生异常综合征等疾病。前一阶段对白血病的研究,集中在急性非淋巴细胞白血病(ANLL),因为急淋白血病细胞在体外不易培养。然而近年来,急淋细胞的体外培养亦得到了满意的结果。
On the occasion of the anniversary of the establishment of the school in 1982, I made a brief summary of my research work in the leukemia laboratory of our university in recent years. This article reviews the past five years of leukemia and other blood diseases research. First, the experimental study (a) cell culture research Nearly 5 to 6 years, bone marrow cells in vitro semi-solid agar culture methods have been widely used to observe leukemia, aplastic anemia and myelodysplastic syndromes and other diseases. The previous phase of leukemia research, focused on acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL), because acute leukemia cells in vitro is not easy to culture. However, in recent years, the in vitro culture of acute lymphoblastic cells has also been satisfactory.