消除碘缺乏病是一项长期、持续的工作,它要求有一支稳定和高素质的防治队伍。为了解各省碘缺乏病防治人员的构成情况,为项目培训和建立持续发展机制提供依据,特开展此项调查。1 数据收集与分析方法1.1 数据收集 采用信访法对全国31个省进行调查(1997年)。由省、地级碘缺乏病行政人员专人负责填写省、地、县三级调查表。全国除云南、重庆外的29个省、290
Eliminating iodine deficiency disorders is a long-term and continuous task. It requires a stable and high-quality prevention and control team. In order to understand the composition of iodine deficiency prevention and control personnel in various provinces and provide basis for project training and the establishment of a sustainable development mechanism, this investigation was carried out. 1 Data collection and analysis methods 1.1 Data collection Surveys were conducted in 31 provinces across the country using the petition method (1997). Provincial, prefecture-level and county-level questionnaires are filled by provincial and prefectural IDD administrators. 29 provinces except Yunnan and Chongqing, 290