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<正> 藏羚跃上“国家名片”了!青海省邮资票品局特制雕刻封(图1),采用1号信封,由《藏羚》邮票设计者黄华强和呼振源合作,呼振源雕刻。作为雕刻封多年的“追求者”,我毫不犹豫地函购了此封。 当收到从青海格尔木可可西里寄来的《藏羚》雕刻版原地封时,我为之一动,可爱的幼羚用友善好奇的眼神注视着我,公羚停着矫健的身躯、警觉地回眸;一大一小,两种神
The relation between the HRM and the firm performance is analyzed statistically by many researchers in the literature. However, there are very few nonlinear app
Diagnoses of heart diseases can be done effectively on long term recordings of ECG signals that preserve the signals’ morphologies. In these cases, the volume
In this paper, we present a predictive prefetching mechanism that is based on probability graph approach to perform prefetching between different levels in a pa
In Shamir’s(t,n) threshold of the secret sharing scheme, a secret is divided into n shares by a dealer and is shared among n shareholders in such a way that (a
<正> 6月6日《司马光砸缸》 司马光(1019—1086)北宋大臣、史学家。陕州夏县(山西夏县,044400)人。他出生时,父亲司马池任光州光山(河南光山,465450)县令,故取名“光”。曾任
In this paper, we present a comparative study between informed and predictive prefetching mechanisms that were presented to leverage the performance gap between