武汉二六五厂研制的新产品 UYB-13B 型电容液位变送器,结构合理,体积小巧紧凑,防水防潮性能好,运输、安装、维修方便,精确度、可靠性、测量范围以及对工作环境(湿度和温度)的适应能力都比老产品UYB-13型有很大提高。各项技术指示经北京水源三厂和武汉余家头水厂等单位使用、测试以及全国29个有关单位鉴定均达到国内先进水平。UYB-13B 型电容液位变送器主要用于各种量程水位测量,也可测量其他导电液体液位。其传感器用优质绝缘导线制成,由于它是软(绳)式结构,使用时末端可吊一重锤使之拉直,因此量程可以很大。
UYB-13B Capacitive Liquid Level Transmitter is a new product developed by Wuhan No.265 Factory. It has the advantages of reasonable structure, compact size, good waterproof and moisture proof performance, convenient transportation, installation and maintenance, accuracy, reliability, measuring range, Environment (humidity and temperature) ability to adapt than the old product UYB-13 type has greatly improved. All the technical instructions were used by units such as Beijing No.3 Water Plant and Wuhan Nojia Tau Water Works, etc. The tests and the appraisal of 29 relevant units across the country reached the domestic advanced level. UYB-13B-type capacitance level transmitter is mainly used for measuring water level range, but also other conductive liquid level measurement. Its sensor is made of high quality insulated wire. Because it is a soft (rope) type structure, the end of the sensor can be straightened with a heavy hammer so that the measuring range can be very large.