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中国有着漫长的翻译教学的历史传统,积累了比较丰富的翻译教学的实践经验和理论,然至今译界尚无一部完整系统的中国翻译教学史。本文在对中国漫长的翻译教学史做简要回顾的基础上,讨论了20世纪下半期出版的几部有代表性的中国外语教育史著述中所涉及的翻译教学史研究,包括苏精关于同文馆三馆的《清季同文馆》和《清季同文馆及其师生》、付克的《中国外语教育史》、李良佑等的《中国英语教学史》、张正东的《中国外语教学法理论与流派》和高时良主编的《中国教会学校史》等,重点分析了穆雷的《中国翻译教学研究》和张美芳的《中国大陆翻译教科书发展研究》两书。在充分肯定上述这些论著学术贡献的基础上,本文指出这些成果大多采取详今略古的方法,无法给读者提供全面的历史纵深感,当然也就无法陈述清楚古代、近代至现当代翻译教材之间的互相关联。中国翻译教学史的研究不能仅仅局限在现当代史的范围,也应该上溯到古代史;同时,关于中国翻译教学活动的讨论,也不应仅仅框定在英语翻译,而应拓展到俄、法、德、日语等其他语种,这样才能将翻译教学史的研究引向更深、更广的层面。 China has a long tradition of teaching translation and has accumulated a wealth of practical experiences and theories in translation teaching. Up till now, there is not a complete and systematic history of translation teaching in China. Based on a brief review of the long history of translation teaching in China, this article discusses the history of translation teaching in several representative Chinese history of foreign language education published in the second half of the 20th century, The “Qing Dynasty Tong Wen Hall” and “Qing Dynasty Tong Wen Pai and its teachers and students”, Fu Ke’s “History of Chinese Foreign Language Education”, Li Liangyu’s “History of Chinese English Teaching”, Zhang Zhengdong’s “Theory of Foreign Language Teaching Methodology in China School of Chinese ”and“ The History of the Chinese Church and School ”by Gao Shuliang, etc. It mainly analyzes Murray’s“ Chinese Translation Teaching Research ”and Zhang Meifang’s“ Study on the Development of Chinese Translation Textbooks ”. On the basis of fully affirming the academic contributions of these above mentioned works, this paper points out that most of these achievements take a more detailed approach from ancient to modern times, failing to provide readers with a full sense of historical depth and, of course, unable to state clearly the ancient, contemporary to contemporary translation teaching materials Inter-related. The research on the history of Chinese translation teaching should not be confined to the scope of modern and contemporary history, but also to the ancient history. At the same time, the discussion on translation teaching in China should not be limited to English translation but should be extended to Russian, German, Japanese and other languages, so as to lead the study of the history of translation teaching to a deeper and broader level.
以花生酸单分子膜为模板,诱导沉积了 PbS半导体纳米粒子,粒径为 30~ 50 nm.实验发现, 由于花生酸单分子膜的诱导作用, 使得 PbS晶体在膜上发生取向生长,可以形成三角形、四边
在甲醇介质中,用 La(ClO4)3@ nH2O与丙氨酸(CH3CHNH2COOH,简称 Ala)及咪唑(C3H4N2,简称 Im)或苯并咪唑 (C7H6N2,简称 BenIm)合成出两个新三元配合物 La(Ala)3Im(ClO4)3@ 3H2O