1985年,我们在深圳地区首次发现嗜人按蚊,并初步判定嗜人按蚊为当地疟疾暴发流行的主要媒介。1986年后,结合我省疟疾暴发流行点调查,进一步调查了嗜人按故的分布及其传疟作用。 选择有疟疾暴发流行的县,每个县选择1~6个疟疾发病率较高的村庄或工棚为捕蚊点,于20~24时,用人饵诱捕或人房内搜捕法,每1个点1~2次。同时,以深圳市马贵采石工场为固定捕蚊点,每句人饵通宵诱捕1次,计算密度;并对捕获的按蚊,解剖检查疟原虫感染。
In 1985, we first detected the Anopheles anthropophagus in Shenzhen and initially determined that Anopheles anthropophagus was the main medium for the local malaria outbreak. After 1986, combined with the investigation of the epidemic point of malaria in our province, we further investigated the distribution of malaria and its malaria transmission. Choose malaria epidemic counties, each county choose 1 to 6 villages or sheds with high malaria incidence of mosquito points, at 20 to 24, the use of human bait or human trapping method, every 1 point 1 to 2 times. At the same time, taking Shenzhen Ma Gui quarry as a fixed point to catch mosquitoes, each person bait was trapped once all night to calculate the density. Anopheles were also dissected to check the infection of the parasite.