中国道教传统内丹功,在道教气功流派中秘密流传着。时至今日,许多气功杂志、报刊等纷纷刊登内丹功修炼法,关于内丹功的书籍也纷纷印刷,广为传播,内丹功学习班基本上各地都有。 纵观这些关于内丹功修炼的书籍、文章、学习班等等,其修炼方法基本一致,且“四平八稳”,而往往这些修炼方法入不了行家之眼。其主要原因在于入门之法不明朗,阴阳及先后天之妙理太玄虚。
The traditional Taoist religion in China is secretly circulating in the Taoist Qigong schools. Today, many Qigong magazines, newspapers and periodicals have published the practice methods of inner alchemy and the books on Inner Alchemy have also printed one after another. They have been widely disseminated. Almost all Dancing classes have been held in all places. Throughout these books, articles, study classes, etc. on the practice of inner alchemy, their methods of cultivation are basically the same, and they are “on a more or less balanced” footing. However, these methods of cultivation often can not get into the eyes of experts. The main reason is that the introduction of the law is not clear, yin and yang and one after another wonderful reason too Xuan Xuan.