如此强烈的反差,可能谁都无法理解,更无法相信:一个花甲老人竟痴迷地爱上了令年轻人都生畏的超细世界。这不要说中国同行,连掌握这门尖端科技的外国专家都惊呼:“看不懂 !” 他,就是中国超细技术开拓人,沪台合资上海金品超细粉体有限公司总经理、 68岁的高级工程师
Such a strong contrast, perhaps no one can understand, but can not believe: an elder who actually crazy obsessed with the young people are in awe of the ultra-fine world. This does not mean that the Chinese counterparts, even the foreign experts who master this cutting-edge technology are exclaimed: “He could not understand!” He is the pioneer of ultra-fine technology in China. He is the general manager of Shanghai Jingpin Ultrafine Powder Co., Ltd. Year-old senior engineer