
来源 :国外医学(计划生育分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:reinhardwu
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自1956年pincus介绍用甾体激素类药物抑制排卵达到避孕效果的这一新概念以来,很多的口服避孕药(OC)已被合成。最早的OC中雌激素和孕激素的含量较高,雌激素含量为50~150μg;孕激素为1~10mg。60年代末英国药物安全邓禄普委员会(Dunlop for the safety of Drugs)提出使用者血栓病的增加与雌激素成份有关。此后,雌激素量在不影响避孕效果的情况下一再地被减低,现代一般OC中雌激素量为30~50μg,这种剂量已被公认为较安全的剂量,大量的流行病学调查材料也证明其危害作用很小,但长期服用OC的妇女患心血管疾病 Since 1956, pincus introduced steroidal hormone drugs to inhibit ovulation to achieve a new concept of contraceptive effects, many oral contraceptives (OC) have been synthesized. The earliest OC in estrogen and progesterone content is high, estrogen content of 50 ~ 150μg; progesterone is 1 ~ 10mg. In the late 1960s Dunlop for the safety of Drugs suggested that increased thromboembolism may be associated with estrogen content. Since then, the amount of estrogen has been repeatedly reduced without affecting the effect of contraception, the modern general OC estrogen in the amount of 30 ~ 50μg, this dose has been recognized as a safer dose, a large number of epidemiological survey material It has been shown to be less harmful, but women who take OC for long periods have cardiovascular problems
针对年径流丰枯特性同时取决于径流本身大小和年内时程分配的特点,利用一种基于Lévy飞行策略改进的蝙蝠算法(Lévy Bat Algorithm,LBA)搜索投影寻踪模型(Projection Pu
采用失重分析法分析不同药剂在5%柠檬酸溶液中对SA-210钢的缓蚀情况,筛选出合适单体药剂,研制出N-106 Ⅱ型柠檬酸清洗缓蚀剂。然后分析该缓蚀剂在不同缓蚀剂浓度、温度、Fe3+