“要把思想政治工作的宣传报道摆在今年新闻宣传工作的重要位置”,这是中宣部新闻局近日就今年思想政治工作的宣传报道作出的安排中提出的。 他们提出:对这项工作,务必要抓得很紧很紧,贯彻始终,贯通各方,贯穿全年,贯注全力。要加强领导,精心组织,努力营造全党全社会加强和改进思想政治工作的良好舆论氛围。宣传报道中,须继续深入宣传江泽
“It is imperative to put the propaganda and coverage of ideological and political work in an important position for this year’s press and propaganda work,” which was put forward recently by the Information Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department for arranging the coverage of this year’s ideological and political work. They put forward: It is imperative to grasp the tightness and tightness of this work, carry it out consistently and through all walks of life throughout the year and pay full attention to it. We must strengthen leadership, carefully organize and strive to create a good atmosphere for public opinion throughout the entire society to strengthen and improve ideological and political work. Publicity reports, we must continue to promote Jiang Ze depth