哺,哺育喂养之意也。红木大师吴学忠新创紫檀木雕《哺》,是受19世纪法国著名画家米勒《小鸟的哺饲》的启发,以拟人化的手法,歌颂伟大的母爱、父爱,寄托对母亲、对师长、对故乡、对祖国哺育之恩的缅怀之情。 在长29公分、宽20公分、高lO公分的紫红色的木板之上,工艺家雕出一片大河畅流、波起浪涌的广阔水域,只见水草丛丛,礁石片片,荷萍点点。在礁石之巅,立着一只母鱼鹰,两只小鱼鹰,不远处的水面上,形成波浪的硕大漩涡,漩涡的中心,是一只正探身水中捉鱼的公鱼鹰。 说起鱼鹰,眼前立时浮出儿时嬉戏水边的画面。
Feeding, feeding meaning also. Inspired by the famous 19th-century French painter Miller’s “feeding of birds,” the new mahogany Wu Xuezhong’s newly created woodcarving “Feeding” is inspired by the anthropomorphic approach of praising the great maternal love and fatherly love to the mother and to the teacher , On the hometown, the memory of the motherland’s grace of love. In 29 centimeters long, 20 centimeters wide, 10 centimeters high magenta wooden plank, crafts carved out a river smooth, wave surge of the vast waters, I saw the bushes, reef tablets, Heping little bit . On the top of the reef, standing a fish osprey, two small fish eagles, not far from the water, the formation of the huge whirlpool, whirlpool center, is a captive caught in the water to catch fish. Speaking of osprey, front immediately floated childhood playful waterside picture.