世界上没有包治百病的良方,但也没有听说过光喝西北风不吃饭就能饱的神人。电子商务在中国的境遇就很能说明这个道理媒体上炒得火热,实际上一头雾水,眼瞅着大洋彼岸闹胡得轰轰烈烈于是自己也跃跃欲试,可真正的明白人却屈指可数。为什么这个在发达国家已经被证明是卓有成效的新生事物,到了我们家里就水土不服呢? 是电子商务本身有什么不对吗?显然不是。这个由历史最悠久经验最丰富的IT公司提出并且得到众多公司的成功作为佐证的战略性概念,自然不会是IBM兴之所至的临场发挥更不是郭士纳心血来潮
There is no cure for the sick in the world, but no one has heard of the gods who can eat light northwest wind without food. The situation in e-commerce in China is very illustrative of the reason that the media has been soaked in speculation. In fact, it is a confused one. When you look at the other side of the oceans, you are eager to find yourself. Why is this new thing that has proved fruitful in the developed countries to be acclimatized in our own home? Is it wrong with e-commerce? Obviously not. This strategic concept, backed by the success of many companies, proposed by the most experienced and experienced IT companies in the world, will not be played by IBM at all, nor by Gershner’s whim