中国近代游泳始于香港、广东、福建、上海、青岛等沿海城市,1887年广东沙面修建了25米室内游泳池; 19世纪末游泳成为运动竞赛项目:1906年开始由“域多利游泳会”主办了全港渡海比赛;1913年开始参加远东运动会;国内许多游泳组织相继成立,比较著名的有香港南华,中华体育会,华人游泳会,广东南华、东山水体会等。
Swimming in modern China began in the coastal cities of Hong Kong, Guangdong, Fujian, Shanghai and Qingdao. In 1887, a 25-meter indoor swimming pool was built in Shamian, Guangdong. At the end of 19th century, swimming became a sporting event. It was hosted by Vistoli Swim Club in 1906 Hong Kong cross-sea race; 1913 began to participate in the Far East Games; many domestic swimming organizations have been established, the more famous Hong Kong South China, the Chinese Sports Association, the Chinese Swimming Club, Guangdong Nanhua, Dongshan Water Club and so on.