【出 处】
受激布里渊散射(SBS)是一种三阶非线性光学效应,SBS 相位共轭镜(PCM)是基于SBS 的自抽运PCM,能实时补偿放大器和放大光路中的波前畸变,改善激光器的输出光束质量,其应用越来越广泛。简要介绍了SBS-PCM 激光系统的基本原理和典型装置,并概述了国内外液体和固体SBS 相位共轭技术在高重复频率高功率激光系统中的研究进展,提出带SBS-PCM 的高重复频率高功率激光系统有待解决的问题。
Diamonds are wide-gap semiconductors possessing excellent physical and chemical properties; thus, they are regarded as very appropriate materials for optoelectronic devices. Based on the Kerr effect, we introduce a simple and feasible method for measuring
The emergence of a new era reaching beyond current state-of-the-art ultrashort and ultraintense laser technology has been enabled by the approval of around € 850 million worth of structural funds in 2011–2012 by the European Commission for the installatio
We proposed and demonstrated a new scheme for simultaneous generation of independent wired and wireless signals employing an integrated polarization multiplexing modulator. In the experimental system, a 10 Gb/s wired signal is imposed on the original opti
单点金刚石车削技术虽然可以使铜反射镜获得较好的表面粗糙度, 但同时也产生了车削刀纹, 刀纹引起镜面光的散射现象, 严重影响系统的光学性能。为研究去除铜反射镜车削刀纹的修抛工艺最佳参数, 采用4因素4水平正交实验法, 通过ZJP350平面精磨抛光机进行抛光工艺实验, 以及Zygo Newview 8200白光干涉仪对铜反射镜的刀纹去除情况和表面粗糙度进行检测。结果表明: 铜镜胶盘的方法会使铜镜表面产生划痕以及塌边现象, 而阻尼布手工修抛法则可避免这些问题。实验得到了最佳修抛工艺参数, 可使铜基反射镜表面刀纹
Stripe nonuniformity is very typical in line infrared focal plane (IRFPA) and uncooled starring IRFPA. We develop the minimum mean square error (MMSE) method for stripe nonuniformity correction (NUC). The goal of the MMSE method is to determine the optima