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汶川大地震,数万条鲜活的生命被那恐怖的瞬间陡然吞噬。不期而至的特大灾难让共和国震惊,令世界瞩目。一时间,人不分肤色族群、语不分南北东西、职无论白领蓝领甚至残障与行乞者,他们纷纷伸出了援助之手,将爱齐聚那片期盼救助的废墟上……几乎所有的人都在揪心的牵挂中祈祷,祈祷废墟下的生命平安无事、不要放弃;祈祷血脉和真爱创造奇迹。一幅幅令人涕泣的画面、一个个感天动地的故事、一首首热血沸腾的乐曲……定格在悲怆的山川间、传颂在无畏的人群中、留驻在08的记忆里。生命的尊严从此在这片古老的大地上冉冉升起,共和国的旗帜第一次为普通公民而低垂下降。“逝者安息,生者坚强”这是华夏儿女共同的心声,为此,我们特组织了一批四川籍或与四川有着亲缘的作家,以他们倾注生命张力的个性视觉,用他们饱蘸巴山蜀水的深情厚谊,为大家讲述一件件如歌如诉的往事、呈现一段段心底流淌的真情,祈福生命,告慰亡灵,笑对灾难,担当责任。我们相信,精神的力量会穿越时空,直达生命的心底。 Wenchuan earthquake, tens of thousands of vivid life suddenly swallowed by the terrible moment. Unexpected cataclysm shocked the republic and made the world’s attention. For a time, regardless of color and ethnic groups, regardless of the North-South things regardless of language, regardless of the collar blue-collar workers and even handicapped and beggars, they have extended a helping hand, will love gathered in the ruins of hope that rescue ...... Almost all Of people are worried about the prayers, pray praying life is safe, do not give up; pray blood and true love to create miracles. A breathtaking picture, a sensation of heaven and earth, a first passionate piece of music ... ... freeze in the mountains of sorrow, the tribute among the fearless crowd, stay in the memory of 08. Since then, the dignity of life has risen in this ancient land. For the first time, the flag of the Republic has fallen for ordinary citizens. "This is the common aspiration of Chinese children, for which we organized a group of Sichuan or Sichuan-related writers to devote themselves to the visual personality of life tension, full use of them Dipped in Bashan Shu water affectionate friendship, for everyone to tell a piece of rhapsodic memories of the past, showing a section of heart flowing truth, praying for life, to comfort the souls, laugh at the disaster, take responsibility. We believe that the power of the spirit will cross time and space and reach the heart of life.
12月19日,《汽车之友-冲程》杂志发布会暨APEX AWARD 2016中国高性能轮胎评选颁奖典礼也在中央舞台举行。《汽车之友-冲程》杂志在此次发布会上正式宣告面市,随后在APEX AWAR
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注重逆向思维能力的培养$望江县第二中学@曹昌如 Emphasis on the cultivation of adverse thinking ability Wangjiang No. 2 Middle School @ Cao Changru
如果法庭允许,我想说几句话: 首先,除了我所一直承认的,即我解放奴隶的计划之外,我否认一切。我的确想把事情办得千净利落,正如我去年冬天干的那样。当时我进入密苏里,在那里双方没