【摘 要】
DSM,the global life sciences and materialssciences company,announced thenet sales of Euro 9.297 billion for 2008,up 6% from a year earlier,and the operatingpro
【出 处】
China Chemical Reporter
DSM,the global life sciences and materialssciences company,announced thenet sales of Euro 9.297 billion for 2008,up 6% from a year earlier,and the operatingprofit of Euro 903 million,up 10%year-on-year.Full year sales in China rose about20%,to US$1 151 million.In Q4 2008
DSM, the global life sciences and materialsssciences company, announced the net sales of Euro 9.297 billion for 2008, up 6% from a year earlier, and the operatingprofit of Euro 903 million, up 10% year-on-year. Full year sales in China rose about20%, to US $ 1,151 million.In Q4 2008
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