去年年初,济宁市市中区立足“九五”大局,结合中区实际,顺应群众心愿,作出了“二次创业,再造辉煌”的战略决策,并以此作为贯穿整个“九五”期间全区经济和社会事业发展的总抓手。一年来,全区以二次创业统揽全局,坚持两个文明一起抓,积极推进两个根本性转变,促进了全区经济持续快速健康发展和社会全面进步。二次创业起步之年步伐坚实,为创业兴区、全面实现“九五”计划,创造了良好的开端。 1997年,是我国社会主义现代化建设进程中十分重要的一年。也是我区全面实施“二次创业,再造辉
At the beginning of last year, based on the overall situation of ”1995“ and based on the actual situation in Central China and in conformity with the aspirations of the masses, Jining City Central District made a strategic decision of ”making a second undertaking and making a brilliant future“ and used it as a guideline throughout the ” Nine five “during the region’s economic and social development of the general grasp. Over the past year, the whole region has taken the second round of business as the overall situation control, adhered to the two civilizations and actively promoted two fundamental changes so as to promote the sustained, rapid, healthy and social development of the entire region and the all-round social progress. The pace of the second start-up year was solid, creating a good start for the prosperous business and full realization of the ”95“ plan. 1997 is a very important year in the process of socialist modernization in our country. Is my district full implementation of ”second pioneering, and then build Hui