The pressure transient characteristics of heterogeneous reservoirs with complex geometries can be numerically simulated by numerical methods. This paper studies the availability of the boundary element method for such problems. The free space Green function satisfies the two-dimensional pressure dispersion equation in Laplace space and is used as a weighting function in Green’s second identity integral agenda. The pressure field in the study area is therefore analytically defined, with only the reservoir boundaries being discrete as a number of boundary elements. Large-scale reservoir heterogeneity is represented by a homogeneous rock characterization interval. Vertical distribution of flow rate Vertical cracks through the length of the sink within the integration method to simulate. This article also examines two different approaches to incorporating sources and sinks into the model. The model is applied to some simple systems; the results are compared with known analytical solutions. Linear. The performance of the second- and third-order parametric boundary elements are tested.