Stem taper equations for diameter and volume predictions of Abies cilicica Carr. in the Taurus Mount

来源 :山地科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zskarl
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Taper equations are an important tool in estimating stem volumes at a multi-product level for sustainable forest management. Nine taper equations are tested from three categories to estimate diameter at specified point on the stem, height at specified diameter, volumes of any desired portion of the stem,and whole tree volume of Taurus fir in Taurus Mountains of Turkey. To account for autocorrelation and multicollinearity present among multiple stem data observations collected from the same tree,proper statistical approaches were used in model fitting. Comparisons are made to determine which equation provides the best overall fit to all data based on four goodness-of-fit statistics, Coefficient of determination (R2); Root mean square error (RMSE),Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC), and Bayesian information criterion (BIC). Results indicated that all taper equations tested could be used to accurately estimate section diameter at given height and stem volume. Clark et al.'s taper equation provided better results than the others for Taurus fir when an additional stem diameter observation at 5.30 m was available. Segmented and variable-form taper models consistently provided better results than the simple taper models except for Max and Burkhart's model.Fang et al.'s and Kozak's taper models showed equally good performance to describe stem taper and to predict tree stem volume. Therefore, these taper equations are able to be used to estimate diameter and volume for Taurus fir trees, if an upper stem diameter measurement was not available.
2009年,3月,成都还有些倒春寒,冉玉生静立窗前,看木柜上那一排剪刀,红色的锈斑挤占了刀锋,堵上了连接刀片的轴孔,上面覆盖了一层淡淡的灰。这一天,因为两个年轻人的闯入,91岁的老冉决定重操旧业——定做胸罩。    饥荒饿不死手艺人    1932年,老冉还是小冉。14岁的他被父亲安排到成都学手艺谋生。临走时,父亲叮嘱他:“饥荒饿不死手艺人。”  14岁的小冉在春熙路一家裁缝店当起了学徒,这一学就