2015年4月17日—20日,一年一度的中国国际照相机械影像器材与技术博览会(CHINA P&E)在北京如期举办。这已经是第18届P&E了,作为中国最大最权威的摄影器材展,经历了胶片相机最后的辉煌,也见证了数码影像的崛起,如今,又迎来越来越多元的时代。与以往P&E相比,喧闹的演出、靓丽的模特似乎少了一些,更多的是摄影讲座、器材售卖与售后服务。而除了相机、镜头等传统意义上的摄影产品之外,更多的跨界产品如雨后春笋般出现,摄影器材也被赋予了更宽泛的定义。
From April 17 to April 20, 2015, the annual China P & E will be held in Beijing as scheduled. This is already the 18th P & E. As the largest and most authoritative photographic equipment exhibition in China, it has experienced the ultimate glory of film cameras and witnessed the rise of digital video. Now it is ushering in a more and more diverse era. Compared with the previous P & E, noisy performances, beautiful models seem to be a little less, more photography seminars, equipment sales and after-sales service. In addition to cameras, lenses and other traditional photographic products, more cross-border products have sprung up, photographic equipment has also been given a more broad definition.